What makes April so special for Bichōn? It marks the anniversary of the brand! Even better, the date coincides with the annual Fashion Revolution Week! While Bichōn is turning 2 on April 18th (hooray we have overcome this crazy 2nd year!), the celebration will be followed by a week of international fashion activism from April 19th to 25th.
Initiated by the UK non-profit Fashion Revolution after the Rana Plaza tragedy in Bangladesh in April 2013 (1,138 were killed and 2500 injured), this week campaigns for a safe, fair, clean and accountable industry. A mobilization on the rise in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic that has impacted millions of garment workers on poverty pay throughout the world and left without billions of their wages. In 2021, it  seems never to have been so critical to reflect on how to rebuild an industry that needs to protect the interconnected rights of humanity and nature.
The headlines of the manifesto : Providing dignified work and enriching the livelihood of everyone across the industry, from farm fields to stores; Empowering everyone to stand for their rights in an inclusive approach; Safeguarding our diverse ecosystems and restoring the environment via a circular fashion.

But what is the key to a revolutionary shift?

 Extract of ‘Why we still need a Fashion Revolution‘ on fashionrevolution.org

Transparency is a fundamental value that Bichōn stands for, alongside integrity, sustainability and solidarity. Let us explain. The brand turns 2 but was actually conceived 2 years and 9 months ago to be exact. To avoid any “faux pas” for a concept aspiring to be the most ethical and sustainable possible, the 9 months prior to the opening were dedicated to educating ourselves, identifying the right local and national partners, investigating their CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) practices…Comprehensively digging into the opaque details of the supply chain. An upstream and continuous work, necessary for a responsible business to be transparent and communicative around the issue! For example, over summer 2020, when we found out that 20% of the world's cotton was produced in the Xinjiang region of China where almost 2 million Uighurs are detained in forced labor camps, we reached out back to our supplier to obtain the provenance of the yarns. This was a self-mandatory verification that we communicated, certifying that the fabric is not sourced in China but mostly domestically, in the USA.
Another initiative in our relentless pursuit of transparency? This blog you’re currently reading! :)

On your end, whether or not you’re into this fashion revolution, unless you’re a naturist under full lockdown, you might as well be a mindful shopper!  How?
First, do research, ask yourself the right questions for enlightened choices. If this t-shirt is as cheap as a Caesar salad, what was left for the garment worker? If my skirt is made in Myanmar or China, was the employee safe and free? Is my hoodie in polyester or cotton and why should I care about micro-plastics? Follow educators like @remakeourworld , @storiesbehindthings , @thesustainablefashionforum .
Open your eyes and should you actually want to take action for a revolutionary change, then raise your voice! Request transparency in real life and online. Question face to face boutique owners, DM brands, tweet them, take selfies with your clothing and call out for some answers with popular hashtags like #whomademyclothes and #whatsinmyclothes .
Eduardo, our partner since the very first embroidery, in a secret Miami factory! 

As a matter of fact, transparency is probably one of the most disruptive and positive outcomes on social media, don’t you think?
In a society where every brand carefully 'bichons' its (e)-reputation, it’s very simple: the more you demand and hold it accountable, the less B.S.!

Long live Bichōn and the Fashion Revolution!

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